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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort ascending
Tanabe Sugano Diagram JAVA Applets Amanda Reig / Ursinus College Web Resources and Apps Coordination Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2015-04-24
Kinesthetic Learning: Crystal Symmetry Through Dance Barbara Reisner / James Madison University Web Resources and Apps Solid State and Materials Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2015-02-12
Spacegroup visualizer Barbara Reisner / James Madison University Web Resources and Apps Solid State and Materials Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2015-01-19
Bio-Organic Reaction Animations (BioORA) Steven A. Fleming / Temple University Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2014-10-30
The "Zinc Spark" - Zinc as a signaling chemical in life Kyle Grice / DePaul University Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2014-07-19
Practical MCD Tutorial- How to collect MCD Data- Lehnert Lab Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2014-07-10
Protein Electrochemistry 3rd Bioinorganic Workshop Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2014-06-10
A Review of 3DMolSym: A Web Resource for Teaching Molecular Symmetry Marion Cass / Carleton College Web Resources and Apps Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2014-05-23
The Structure and Symmetry of Metal Tris Chelates Marion Cass / Carleton College Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2014-05-23
Sheffield ChemPuter Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Introductory Chemistry First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2014-04-29
Viewing Jmol Images and Animations (currently blocked) that call a Jmol Applet Marion Cass / Carleton College Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, f-block Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Solid State and Materials Chemistry First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2014-03-13
Symmetry Lectures Sabrina Sobel / Hofstra University Web Resources and Apps Introductory Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Solid State and Materials Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2014-03-08
Cmap: Concept Mapping Tool Amanda Reig / Ursinus College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2013-06-27
Chimera - A Molecular Modeling Program Walter Flomer / St. Andrew's University Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2013-06-26
Virtual Schlenk Line Amanda Reig / Ursinus College Web Resources and Apps Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2013-06-24
Databases for Kinetics Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Web Resources and Apps Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Coordination Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2013-06-03
A Visual Isotope Effect (a YouTube video) Dan O'Leary / Pomona College Web Resources and Apps Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year 2013-04-24
General Chemistry Electronic Study Aids David Kreller / Georgia Southern University Web Resources and Apps Introductory Chemistry First year 2013-04-21
The Guided Tour of Metalloproteins Anthony L. Fernandez / Merrimack College Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2013-04-09
Online Courses Directory Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year 2013-04-01