Art and Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Randall Hicks / Wheaton College on Sat, 11/26/2011 - 21:19

Does anybody have (good) examples of students displaying "inorganic art," for lack of a better term? After teaching MO theory in my class, mysteriously, someone taped a molecular orbital energy level diagram for oxygen on the sidewalk outside the science center. Below the diagram was "Got O2?" The gerade and ungerade labels were switched on the pi set, but I'll forgive the mix up in light of the creativity. See the attched file.


History of Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Kim Lance / Ohio Wesleyan University on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 15:01
     I have a student working in my labs this summer who is a history buff.  He is very interested to read about the history of chemistry (especially inorganic chemistry) to try and understand how we got to where we are today.  We began the discussion at about the Bronze Age and tried to move from there....but there seemed to be a lot of disconnect that I was unable to fill in.  Does anyone know of a book that traces the history of inorganic chemistry and the various paths that have been taken?  Thanks for any and all suggestions.