Safety and Waste Disposal lines in notebook records

Anyone who keeps up with C&E News knows that academic institutions are lagging behind industry in regards to safety culture.  When I revise my in-house lab manuals and handouts after the current semester, I will be making what seems like a small no-brainer change that I suspect might have a disproportionally large impact.  Safety information is regularly presented to students in the form of semester briefings, text written into specific lab procedures, and pre-lab lectures.  An exam, quiz, or lab discussion question might ask students to recall specific safety information, but more ofte

Joseph Keane / Muhlenberg College Fri, 05/06/2016 - 11:33
Electronic Lab Notebooks

Research this summer has pushed me over the edge into thinking that it really would make more sense to record data into an enotebook rather than the standard lab notebook - particularly for data analysis.

Does anyone have experience with electronic notebooks?
Last year, Kurt asked about electronic notebooks , but I didn't see any responses. He had some great questions. Here are a few questions that I'd love to know your thoughts on.

Barbara Reisner / James Madison University Thu, 07/11/2013 - 13:52