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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort descending
Guided reading and in-class discussion questions for "High-Spin Square-Planar Co(II) and Fe(II) Complexes and Reasons for Their Electronic Structure" John Miecznikowski / Fairfield University Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2019-06-06
Molecular Orbital Theory: Flash Review Chris Durr / Amherst College Five Slides About Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Introductory Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-06-06
VSEPR: Flash Review Chris Durr / Amherst College Five Slides About Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Introductory Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-06-06
Guideline for drawing chemical structures Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University Web Resources and Apps Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-06-07
VIPEr Fellows 2019 Workshop Favorites Barbara Reisner / James Madison University Collection Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Nanochemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-06-08
An improved method for drawing the bonding MO for dihydrogen Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-06-09
1FLO: One Figure Learning Objects Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Collection Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-07-25
Introduction to Drago's ECW Acid-Base Model Colleen Partigianoni / Ferris State University Five Slides About Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-07-29
Fourier Transform IR Spectroscopy of Tetrahedral Borate Ions Zachary Tonzetich / University of Texas at San Antonio Lab Experiment Molecular Structure and Bonding, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2019-10-09
Flipped Class Module - Lewis Structures of Industrially and Environmentally Relevant Molecules Jack Eichler / University of California, Riverside In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year 2019-12-05
Acid-Base Chemistry Collection Daniel Kissel / Lewis University Collection Coordination Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2020-01-07
Job's Method - The Covid-19 Version Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Lab Experiment Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Second year 2020-03-19
Ferrocene acylation - The Covid-19 Version Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Lab Experiment Electrochemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2020-03-21
Inorganic Active Learning Lesson Plan Design Meghan Porter / Indiana University In-Class Activity Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Nanochemistry, Organometallic Chemistry First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2020-05-15
MO diagram for water guided inquiry Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College In-Class Activity Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2020-05-19
MO diagram for square planar methane guided inquiry Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College In-Class Activity Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2020-05-19
s-p Mixing and the Order of MOs in Diatomic Molecules Michelle Personick / Wesleyan University Five Slides About Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year 2020-06-05
A cobalt hydroformylation catalyst tribute to Malcolm Green Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Literature Discussion Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2020-07-27
Jahn-Teller effect, theory and examples Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Five Slides About Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Second year 2020-08-06
N-stabilized carbenes and applications in the literature Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University Literature Discussion Coordination Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding Upper Division/Graduate 2020-09-07