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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort ascending
CompChem 01: Creating a Basis Set Joanne Stewart / Hope College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-20
Drawing, visualizing and interpreting 3-D molecular structure (2019 Community Challenge #2) Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2019-05-06
Advanced ChemDraw (2019 Community Challenge #2) Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona In-Class Activity Coordination Chemistry, f-block Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-02-12
Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry for New Faculty Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Collection Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Coordination Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Solid State and Materials Chemistry Second year 2018-12-12
Interactive Syllabus Amanda Reig / Ursinus College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2018-08-27
Bonding and MO Theory in Flavodiiron Nitrosyl Model Complexes - Foundation Level James F. Dunne / Central College Literature Discussion Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2018-06-22
Developing Effective Lab Report Abstracts based on Literature Examples Nicole Crowder / University of Mary Washington Lab Experiment Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2018-05-08
Streamlining Lab Report Grading: Errors Checklists Sabrina Sobel / Hofstra University Lab Experiment Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2018-01-22
What is (not) inorganic chemistry? David Eichhorn / Wichita State University In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2017-09-14
Inorganic Nomenclature: Naming Coordination Compounds Gary Guillet / Furman University In-Class Activity Coordination Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-07-31
In-class peer review Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona Literature Discussion Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Solid State and Materials Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-03-03
Experimenting with Danger- CSB safety Video Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-03-02
calistry calculators Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Web Resources and Apps Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-18
Strategies for Effective Science Writing Anne LaPointe / Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2017-01-03
Twitter for Academics: A Tool for Learning, Disseminating Results, and Networking. Kyle Grice / DePaul University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2016-10-23
Safety is job one Alice / Villanova University Five Slides About Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2016-09-16
Developing a rubric for a learning object Joanne Stewart / Hope College Five Slides About Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2016-07-08
Chemical Information Available on the Web Matthew Riehl / Minnesota State University, Mankato In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2016-06-30
Electrochemical and Carbonyl Frequencies to Explain Ligand Non-Innocence in Organometallic Pincer Complexes Bryan Sears / Emmanuel College Literature Discussion Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Electrochemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods Upper Division/Graduate 2016-06-30
"Flipped Laboratory": A Discussion-based Electrochemistry Experiment for General Chemistry Samuel Esarey / University of Michigan Lab Experiment Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2016-06-27