SLiThEr #52: Warming up for Inorganic- Helping students remember what we think they should already know

Submitted by Taylor Haynes / California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo on Fri, 09/01/2023 - 13:12

In this SLiThEr, Sarah St. Angelo from Dickinson College shares some of her strategies for helping students remember concepts and skills from prior coursework that they "should" remember before her junior/senior inorganic course. Student-led review presentations, LMS-based warm-up topics and quiz, and a rapid collaborative recollection of models of bonding help Sarah's students remember important ideas and take ownership of their learning from early in the semester.

The short game

I am currently in the process of teaching flipped General Chemistry I for the second time. The first time I did it, I do not think I did a great job of 'selling' the students on this modality of learning. I received some very negative student comments including one that suggested this was just a lazy method of teaching. So, I've made some changes the second time, in particular my pitch of the idea.

Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Thu, 08/31/2023 - 17:09

SLiThEr #54: Applying for Faculty Positions at PUIs

Submitted by Sarah Shaner / Southeast Missouri State University on Wed, 08/30/2023 - 17:53

In this SLiThEr, Amanda Reig (Ursinus College), Caleb Tatebe (Presbyterian College), and Ariela Kaspi-Kaneti (University of La Verne) discuss the process of applying for PUI faculty positions from both the point of view of the search committee and the recently hired.

SLiThEr #53: Beyond Lecture - Helping Students Get and Stay on the Alternative Pedagogy Bus


Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Mon, 08/28/2023 - 15:55

SLiThEr #50: Experiential Learning in Large Lecture Chemistry Courses: Mission Impossible

Submitted by Kari Stone / Lewis University on Tue, 07/25/2023 - 10:19

The idea of providing experiential learning experiences in lecture sections of 150+ students can seem impossible.  While more traditional internships or field work may be out of reach with these enrollments, less traditional, but still impactful options exist.  We will discuss the general idea of experiential learning and provide some examples of how we have incorporated this idea into our general and inorganic courses, addressing both content and the course structure and support that can be helpful.

A Strategy for Group Discussions of a Literature Paper: Roles That Rotate and Foster Different Skills

Submitted by Laurel Goj Habgood / Rollins College on Wed, 06/21/2023 - 12:12

The "Lit Masters" concept is inspired by and adapted from one of my colleagues, Jenn Manak, in our education department. Students who are novices to reading the literature often are overwhelmed when assigned a paper to read and may struggle in group discussions. The strategy is to assign students to a semester-long group with designated roles for each paper that require them to produce a low-stakes artifact prior to class. During class time groups discuss the paper and it is followed with a debrief. 

SLiThEr #46: Results from a departmental climate survey

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 11:51

In this SLiThEr, we discuss the construction, implementation and results of a departmental climate survey. Included with the LO are the questions that were administered to students as part of the climate survey.

SLiThEr #44: What I learned at PEER

Submitted by Kyle Grice / DePaul University on Tue, 01/31/2023 - 21:40

Dr. Black shares what she learned at a workshop on Discipline-Based Education Research! 

Here's the video: