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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort ascending
SLiThEr #38: Panel Discussion on the PUI Faculty Job Search Sarah Shaner / Southeast Missouri State University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2022-11-17
Peer Review Activity Matt Cranswick / Oregon State University Lab Experiment Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-11-02
SLiThEr #40: How to Document IONiC/VIPEr and Other Non-Traditional Scholarly Work for Tenure and Promotion Matt Cranswick / Oregon State University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-10-19
Publications Describing Educational Games in the Chemistry Classroom Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-09-04
SLiThEr #37: Inclusivity and Identity in Inorganic Chemistry Kyle Grice / DePaul University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-08-29
RSC Transition Metal Games Amanda Reig / Ursinus College Web Resources and Apps Coordination Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-08-10
Games Throughout the Inorganic Chemistry Curriculum Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University Collection Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-07-28
1 Slide: building better presentations James F. Dunne / Central College In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-07-20
Exploring a non-traditional path in STEM: Dr. Vincent Lavallo Sergio Lovera / University of California, Riverside Five Slides About Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-06-29
Analyzing the Proposed Reaction Profile in “Changing the Charge: Electrostatic Effects in Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling” Megan Lazorski / Metropolitan State University of Denver Literature Discussion Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Coordination Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2022-06-28
Elements Blog Project Emma Downs / Fitchburg State University In-Class Activity Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-06-28
VIPEr Fellows 2022 Workshop Favorites Barbara Reisner / James Madison University Collection Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Nanochemistry, Organometallic Chemistry First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-06-26
SLiThEr #36: CUREs in Chemistry Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2022-06-21
SLiThEr #35: Teaching Inorganic Chemistry - A Live Discussion from MARM 2022 Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-06-21
SliThEr #34: Libretext as a Platform Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-06-21
A Pride Collection Celebrating LGBTQIAPN+ Inorganic Chemists Shirley Lin / United States Naval Academy Collection Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Nanochemistry, Organometallic Chemistry First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-05-23
Literature 3-2-1 James F. Dunne / Central College Literature Discussion Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-05-22
SLiThEr #33: Development, Implementation, and Successes of a Blind and Scaffolded Faculty Search Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-05-04
SLiThEr #32: Detangling Chemistry Ed Research, Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, and Science Education Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-05-04
SLiThEr #31: Using "Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning" (POGIL) in your classroom! Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2022-05-04