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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort ascending
Inorganic Chemistry Anthony L. Fernandez / Merrimack College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-22
Organometallics Brian Anderson / Keene State College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-21
Inorganic Chemistry Brian Anderson / Keene State College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-21
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Denyce Wicht / Suffolk University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-05-13
Inorganic Chemistry Gary Guillet / Furman University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-04-25
Inorganic Chemistry John Lee / University of Tennessee Chattanooga Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-02-13
Inorganic Chemistry Steven Girard / University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Syllabus Second year 2019-02-01
Inorganic Chemistry James F. Dunne / Central College Syllabus First year, Second year 2019-01-29
Inorganic Chemistry Kari Young / Centre College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-01-28
Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry - Inorganic Photochemistry Catherine McCusker / East Tennessee State University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2019-01-16
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Catherine McCusker / East Tennessee State University Syllabus Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-01-16
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Darren Achey / Kutztown University Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2018-09-11
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry RTMacaluso / University of Texas Arlington Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2018-07-24
Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry Sabrina Sobel / Hofstra University Syllabus First year 2018-01-22
Inorganic Chemistry Nicole Crowder / University of Mary Washington Syllabus Second year 2018-01-22
Inorganic Chemistry 2019 Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2018-01-18
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Anne Bentley / Lewis & Clark College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2018-01-17
Inorganic and Materials Chemistry Karen S. Brewer / Hamilton College Syllabus Second year 2018-01-15
Inorganic Chemistry II Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Syllabus Upper Division/Graduate 2018-01-15
Inorganic Chemistry I with Laboratory Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Syllabus Second year 2018-01-15