NSF proposal on teaching/learning symmetry information

Submitted by Sam Pazicni / University of Wisconsin -- Madison on Fri, 10/30/2020 - 20:06

Hello! Maia Popova (https://chem.uncg.edu/person/popova/) and I (https://www2.chem.wisc.edu/users/srpazicni) are putting together an NSF IUSE proposal to investigate student learning of molecular symmetry and how classroom practices influence this learning. We would greatly appreciate if VIPEr members would consider one or both of the following requests:


Course Learning Goals

Submitted by Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 16:13

Thanks to some guidance and support IONiC colleagues, I sat down to critically think about what I want students to learn from my inorganic courses before I wrote my syllabi this spring.  For the first time in 16 years of teaching (shamelessly admitted), I included course learning goals on my syllabi.  I thought it would be interesting to share these and compare to what other folks are doing.
