Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Wed, 08/24/2022 - 12:29
My Notes

This paper describes the use of a  catalytic nickel system for the hydrodefluorination of aryl amides. While organofluorine compounds are extremely useful because of their unique properties, there are growing concerns about the impact of these compounds on the environment. Carbon-fluorine bonds are extremely strong, and so getting them to react is a significant challenge for chemists. This literature discussion guides students through this paper but also pulls in some additional sources to help them get a better appreciation of some of the bigger picture problems briefly alluded to in the introduction of the paper.

Attachment Size
Questions for students 23.07 KB
Questions for students 344.73 KB
Learning Goals

Students will

  • Gain a better appreciation for organofluorine chemistry and how it is both good and bad
  • Use the Covalent Bond Classification method to classify and count electrons in several nickel species
  • Interpret experimental data to draw conclusions about catalytic efficiency
  • Examine a proposed mechanism for this catalytic hydrodefluorination
Implementation Notes

I will be using this literature discussion in my class for the first time in the fall of 2022. I anticipate giving the first 6 questions to students before class so they have an opportunity to answer them prior to our discussion. The remaining questions will be part of our discussion in class.

Evaluation Methods

The answers to the first seven questions will be submitted at the start of class and reviewed more for effort than for correctness. The live discussion part will be mostly accessed on participation in the discussion.

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA